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Beyond the hashtag…

Take Action

As the news reports die down and your social media feeds return to ‘normal’, know that there are many who continue to rally in vain to raise awareness for the social injustices that disproportionately affect our marginalised communities every day.

We have been actively engaging in ways to use LensFayre as a platform to elevate the work of underrepresented photographers, but we still feel we need to do more. As a business that is co-owned by a Black woman, the issues driving the BLM movement are of immense importance to both of us and impossible not to feel impacted by. Systemic racism and classism is entrenched in almost every aspect of our society and the arts is no exception. It’s time for real change.

We have a duty to ourselves and future generations to unlearn and dismantle the systemic biases taught to us by Eurocentric institutions and we have found a social enterprise that is dedicated to doing just that…

The Black Curriculum

Founded in 2019, The Black Curriculum are a developing team of teachers, researchers and creatives who are on a mission to promote tolerance and community cohesion by diversifying our education systems.

LensFayre pledged to donate 10% of all camera sales made through the website in June 2020 directly to supporting Black Curriculum. We are grateful to announce that, with your support, LensFayre has raised:


We rounded this up to £50 and donated the funds raised directly to them on 1st July 2020:

Thank you all so much for helping us to support this worthy cause. If you would like to find out more about The Black Curriculum and the work they are doing – or better still, make a donation to them directly, you can do so by clicking on the links below:

The Black Curriculum website

Donate to the Black Curriculum

So, What’s Next?

We want to do much more. As we continue to advocate for diverse representation within the photographic community, we will also continue to donate a portion of our revenue to other charities and platforms involved in mobilising social reform. All progress will be shared on our blog.

In addition to this, we will be launching The LensFayre Fund. An initiative that will provide real opportunities for bursaries in order to gain access to prominent workshops, events and portfolio reviews for photographers that come from a typically under-represented sections of society. This includes but is not limited to individuals from BAME/BIPOC and lower income communities.

Our aim is to ultimately create a space to facilitate all photographers (regardless of their socioeconomic background) to engage in a progressive community and produce work that will benefit others as much as themselves.

If you would like to keep updated on the launch of the LensFayre Fund and how you can get involved , then be sure to sign up to our mailing list below 👇

See this form in the original post